Thursday, October 13, 2011

*RE* School.

You have got school from 8am to 1.15pm and after this, there aren't any sports in school like here. So, you just have to do your homework (I need mostly one hour to finish them and to learn for tests). But in the afternoon you can practice your sport in private clubs, meet friends or whatever you want to do. Maybe this will change the next year, when I will become a junior in Germany. In 11th and 12th grade there are a lot of big tests and at the end of school there's an exam, which is called 'Abitur'. If you pass, you can study at universities, if not your either repeat it or you just do an apprenticeship.
Back to Josephine's post, I sometimes want to sleep in my first period, too. It's so boring and I'm so tired. But after this class, my schedule is quite good.
This quote is from Leonie. Wow schools in Germany are so awesome. The hours are so short too. I wish we have that here in America. We sometime couldn’t even finish all the homework in one night, can’t believe you guys only need an hour to do homework and study for test. You guys must have a lot of free times to do some fun stuff other than school works. I wish I could sleep in first period. I hate having English first period because to me I think English is more important than other classes and it is the only class I actually learn and enjoy it.

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