Wednesday, October 19, 2011

*RE* Halloween.

We go trick 'or Treating evrry year. A lot of people say that your too old to go trick or treating. Trust me one is NEVER to old to get free candy. It's not even sane to think that way

I agree with Marialuisa that one is never too old get free candy or trick or treating. Well I like Halloween and trick or treating not because we can free candies. Well I don’t like candies anyway. It’s just being out there and walking around with friends going to each house and see their designs. Having a lot of people walking with you and all dressed up.
                I went with my friends last year, I forgot what really happened but then we went to south shore in Alameda first. We were walking around there and waiting to get darker. I think it was like 7 or 8 that time. We started walking around at 8:30. We didn’t live in Alameda so we had no idea where we going and it was pretty dark too.
                I didn’t get much candy, but it didn’t matter to me. I had fun with my friends. We left around 10pm and we bus to Oakland. We went Karaoke after it was pretty fun. I think I got home at 12 or 1.
                This year my friends and I decided to do the same thing. Since we’re all in different school now, I think it’s a pretty good idea meeting up and do something we used to do together. Hope it will be fun this year.

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