Wednesday, October 19, 2011

*CE* 7 Month old baby & his dad

Ortez-Lucero was among a group of men who accosted Aquitania and his son Sept. 14, 2007, on Country Greens Court in Sacramento, where Aquitania planned to visit friends. The men forced Aquitania to help them get into the home so they could rob the occupants, according to the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department.
The men shot Aquitania to death inside the house, then went outside and killed his son as he sat in the car, authorities said.

Sean Aquitania and his 7-month-old son, Sean jr. was killed in 2007. Aquitania was visiting friends, when Ortez-Lucero and a ground of men force Aquitania to get into the house so they could rob the people. Aquitania was shot in the house; after they shot him they went out to the call and shot the 7 month old baby.

                This is sick. I mean like alright you force someone into their friends house or their house and rob them, that’s normal. I don’t know what happened inside the house that made you kill him, but WTF? Is killing the 7 month old baby necessary, the dad might be able to fight back or something but what can that the little baby do to deserve death. That Little baby doesn’t even know shit yet. People these days are sick in the head. This guy deserves to be in jail for the rest of his life. Not only him but hope the police get his other gang friend too. Well no, he should just freaking kill himself, for killing a little baby.

"The fact that a child was killed in such a violent way has doubly motivated all of us to be involved in this,"

Agreeing with this.

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