Tuesday, October 4, 2011

*RE* Life.

It all started going down hill in 8th grade before that year I got straight A's but i fucked up but nobody new what was going on because why should they know there not close to me.

I agree with Michael’s second sentence. My grades started going down since 9th grade; I was pretty depressed in middle school. I felt like everything I do or say is wrong.  Even till this day, I still feel the same way. Life is pretty fucked up sometime, where I felt like there’s no point of living. At times it can be so amazing that i just don’t want my day to end yet. I used to hide everything inside. Even when I’m dying inside, I can still manage to smile. I felt the same as Michael, why should they know? Even if I do tell them, I bet they will never understand it. I think you have to actually go through it to understand what it really feels like. I hate being so negative and thinking so negative. I learned that being negative gets you nowhere. If you want a better life, you have to work for it. Don’t just sit there and wait till it to come. You have to earn for everything.
            I guess I was still young back then. Now I’m older, I felt like life is really not that bad, well not as bad as I thought it was. Even thought I don’t want to be old, but I can’t wait till get out of school. Don’t ever hope for it, believe it. If you want it to happen, YOU have to make it happen. Nothing is impossible. Even the world impossible said so, “I’M POSSIBLE” (:  Stay positive, it won’t rain forever.

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