Thursday, October 6, 2011

*FREE* feelings.

Sometime I felt like I really failed in life. I felt like I’m a loser. There always things on my mind I wanted to say, but world never came out. It’s so hard to tell someone how you really feel. It’s so hard for me to show someone how I really felt. Sometime I just don’t want to argue anymore so I stay silent. I always have things I wanted to tell you, but it’s never the right time. I hate myself for being so weak and making simple things so complicated. This is probably the only place I can tell you how I felt, but you will never know it.  

I’m sorry for not sharing all the time. I’m sorry for not knowing what to say when we argue. I’m sorry for being moody all the time. I’m sorry for getting mad at you over little things. I’m sorry for always crying. I’m sorry for always having you worried. I’m sorry for always telling you stuff that I should keep to myself. I'm sorry for making things so complicated. I’m sorry for always getting jealous. I'm sorry for being so weak. I’m sorry for causing all the troubles. I’m sorry for making your life harder. I'm sorry for being a bad girlfriend. The only thing I’m not sorry for is loving you.

There may be someone out there who can treat you better than me, but they can never love you like the way I love you.

Baby if i could, i would prove it to you, you mean the world to me.

1 comment:

  1. you shouldnt feel the way you feel or be so hard on yourself . everyone makes mistakes and you cant change the pass. all you can do is make the future better. we live to learn.
