Monday, October 24, 2011

*CE* Wang Yue

I’m sure many of you have heard this news all over the internet of a Chinese toddler getting ran over by 2 van and dozens of people passed by without giving any help. Her name is Wang Yue (nicknamed YueYue), a 2 years old little girl.
“I was picking up trash in the hardware market when I saw a child lying in the road. I walked up in a hurry to the girl and heard her groan. I lifted her up and saw that one of her eyes was closed, that she had tears in her eyes, and she was bleeding from her mouth, nose and the back of her head,” Chen told China Daily.
It’s sad how 57 years old lady would help this girl but “others” won’t. Can’t believe many people think she helped the little girl for the money. Is it that hard to be a good person? It’s just sad to see a little girl put in this situation. I think it’s funny how people blame it on the Chinese. I might be a bit bias on this since I’m Chinese too. It’s not just china itself, it’s the world. Humanity.
The world and the society are fucked up. We can’t blame a country for something a few people didn’t do. It’s like saying all guys cheat because one of them cheated on you. I hate how people put a label on Chinese now.
“I didn’t care for my child very well, and it’s my fault,” she said
         Yue Yue’s mom didn’t blame those heartless people but herself for not caring her child well.

1 comment:

  1. Right after finding your post on this, I saw Peter's on the same topic...which falls right into the trap that you are trying to warn against:
