Thursday, October 13, 2011

*FREE* My Week.

                I hate writing free post because I don’t know what to write. So bleh I’m just going to write about my week. This week had been so far the “alright” week. On Monday, 1st through 4th period was okay, it went pretty fast. I had lunch with Linda every Monday. We ate sushi and milk tea. What I hate about Monday was it was raining. We had to walk back to school in the rain. During 5th period we were at the media center starting on our sophomore research paper. After school, it kinda stops raining a bit, so I took the bus home.             
                On Tuesday, Linda and I were planning on having lunch on Tuesday too but then she had to retake a test, so I had lunch alone… during lunch my friend from old school called me. They told me they wanted to walk around Alameda high campus after school and told me to wait for them. I waited for an hour when they told me they will be here in 20 min. I called her and she said they’re still in Oakland, so I was pretty pissed and left. I called my cousin and he came to pick me up. When I got home I shower and went straight to bed. Woke up at 11pm and finish all my homework.
                On Wednesday, time went by pretty fast.  We had to run the mile during PE. I hate PE because it seems like an impossible subject to pass.  I hate how PE teachers expect to run fast and shit. I freaking try, I can’t run for shit. If he’s going to fail me, because I can’t run, then fuck it. I think I will need to transfer school again, because this school got no swimming class. During lunch I went to the BuildOn meeting with Khulan.  After that me and Linda we to get some drink and we went to class. After school my mom called me and asks me to go to my grandma’s house to help my dad get the mail. I was like, Okay if you tell cousin to come pick me up. After I went to my grandma’s house and got the mail, my mom called and told me my cousins didn’t have his cell phone with him. So I have to take the bus home.
                Well my week didn’t seem “alright” at all. Before writing this, it was alright not now I think my weeks been pretty bad.

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