Tuesday, October 25, 2011

*RE* Appearance

To me, I shouldn't have to impress people with how expensive of a price tag there is on my clothes rather than impress you with my personality.
I couldn’t agree more with Ben’s response post on appearance. A lot of teenagers buy clothes way too expensive. Well I got nothing against that, it’s their money. I just hate how the media fucks our brain up. It puts an image inside of our head that girls should wear this and guys should wear that. Girls with pounds of make ups, well I got nothing against it, but they should know that those powders are going to fuck their face up. Beauty comes from the inside not outside. When we’re all 60-70 years old, we all look the same.
People take hours to get ready for school. I would rather use those time and sleep. I could care less how I look in school. I don’t go to school to impress anyone. I go to school to learn. Well maybe I’m weird but looks doesn’t catch my attention at all. I care more about what’s on the inside than outside. If you’re hot, but you have an ugly personality, you’re ugly to me. I think everyone is beautiful in some way. We all should stop caring that much about how we look and the way we dresses. Everyone have their own sense of style. You might think that person can’t dress good. He or she might think your outfit is ugly. Life is too short to live under others opinion.
“The best thing in life is to make the best thing the best thing.”

Monday, October 24, 2011

*CE* Wang Yue

I’m sure many of you have heard this news all over the internet of a Chinese toddler getting ran over by 2 van and dozens of people passed by without giving any help. Her name is Wang Yue (nicknamed YueYue), a 2 years old little girl.
“I was picking up trash in the hardware market when I saw a child lying in the road. I walked up in a hurry to the girl and heard her groan. I lifted her up and saw that one of her eyes was closed, that she had tears in her eyes, and she was bleeding from her mouth, nose and the back of her head,” Chen told China Daily.
It’s sad how 57 years old lady would help this girl but “others” won’t. Can’t believe many people think she helped the little girl for the money. Is it that hard to be a good person? It’s just sad to see a little girl put in this situation. I think it’s funny how people blame it on the Chinese. I might be a bit bias on this since I’m Chinese too. It’s not just china itself, it’s the world. Humanity.
The world and the society are fucked up. We can’t blame a country for something a few people didn’t do. It’s like saying all guys cheat because one of them cheated on you. I hate how people put a label on Chinese now.
“I didn’t care for my child very well, and it’s my fault,” she said
         Yue Yue’s mom didn’t blame those heartless people but herself for not caring her child well.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

*RE* Halloween.

We go trick 'or Treating evrry year. A lot of people say that your too old to go trick or treating. Trust me one is NEVER to old to get free candy. It's not even sane to think that way

I agree with Marialuisa that one is never too old get free candy or trick or treating. Well I like Halloween and trick or treating not because we can free candies. Well I don’t like candies anyway. It’s just being out there and walking around with friends going to each house and see their designs. Having a lot of people walking with you and all dressed up.
                I went with my friends last year, I forgot what really happened but then we went to south shore in Alameda first. We were walking around there and waiting to get darker. I think it was like 7 or 8 that time. We started walking around at 8:30. We didn’t live in Alameda so we had no idea where we going and it was pretty dark too.
                I didn’t get much candy, but it didn’t matter to me. I had fun with my friends. We left around 10pm and we bus to Oakland. We went Karaoke after it was pretty fun. I think I got home at 12 or 1.
                This year my friends and I decided to do the same thing. Since we’re all in different school now, I think it’s a pretty good idea meeting up and do something we used to do together. Hope it will be fun this year.

*CE* 7 Month old baby & his dad

Ortez-Lucero was among a group of men who accosted Aquitania and his son Sept. 14, 2007, on Country Greens Court in Sacramento, where Aquitania planned to visit friends. The men forced Aquitania to help them get into the home so they could rob the occupants, according to the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department.
The men shot Aquitania to death inside the house, then went outside and killed his son as he sat in the car, authorities said.

Sean Aquitania and his 7-month-old son, Sean jr. was killed in 2007. Aquitania was visiting friends, when Ortez-Lucero and a ground of men force Aquitania to get into the house so they could rob the people. Aquitania was shot in the house; after they shot him they went out to the call and shot the 7 month old baby.

                This is sick. I mean like alright you force someone into their friends house or their house and rob them, that’s normal. I don’t know what happened inside the house that made you kill him, but WTF? Is killing the 7 month old baby necessary, the dad might be able to fight back or something but what can that the little baby do to deserve death. That Little baby doesn’t even know shit yet. People these days are sick in the head. This guy deserves to be in jail for the rest of his life. Not only him but hope the police get his other gang friend too. Well no, he should just freaking kill himself, for killing a little baby.

"The fact that a child was killed in such a violent way has doubly motivated all of us to be involved in this,"

Agreeing with this.

*FREE* Tuesday.

I went back to school today from a 4 day break because I wasn’t feeling well. It was so hard to wake up so early in the morning. So I was late to first period and since today was a short day, classes were all short. During 2nd period I had to make up for all my “missing work”. During 5th period we were at the media center doing out sophomore research report, didn’t get that finish.
Wow I felt hella embarrassed today during passing period to 6th period. I was walking with my friend Linda. She accidently step on my flip flops and there were so many people walking down and saw it. Then this “nice guy” helped me pick up my flip flop and handed to me. Omg that was so freaking embarrassing… during bio class my cousin called me and told me he won’t be able to pick me up today, so I had to take the bus home.
When I got home, no one home so I was on the computer which I was “suppose” to do my homework. I went to sleep at 5:30pm and woke up at 11pm. Okay so my day was pretty alright but then life is a bitch. Good days never last long. Okay so first thing we did was agued then ignored each other. Now we’re just waiting for one of us to calm out ass down. Sigh… I hate my life.

Friday, October 14, 2011

*CE* one of the best places for young people

A national nonprofit that advocates for children and young people has named Alameda as one of the best places in the country for young people to live.
It marks the second time that the city has been selected as one of America's Promise Alliance's "100 Best Communities for Young People."
The selection, which was announced Wednesday, is based on local programs and initiatives that aim to reduce high school dropout rates and offer help for students and young people.
"As one of the co-chairs of the Youth Collaborative, I am extremely proud that we have once again been named one of the nation's '100 Best Communities for Young People' by America's Promise Alliance" Mayor Marie Gilmore said in a statement. "This award recognizes the hard work of many community members who have dedicated their time to making a difference in the lives of our young people."
Seriously? Alameda has been selected as one of the best place in the country for young people to live? It’s funny how Oakland is rated top 6th dangerous city in united state, top 2nd in California. Alameda is just right next to Oakland. This doesn’t make sense at all. I mean I have nothing against alameda, it is a really alright place, but it’s funny how alameda can be selected as the top 100 for young people when Oakland the top 6 “dangerous” city is right next to it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

*RE* School.

You have got school from 8am to 1.15pm and after this, there aren't any sports in school like here. So, you just have to do your homework (I need mostly one hour to finish them and to learn for tests). But in the afternoon you can practice your sport in private clubs, meet friends or whatever you want to do. Maybe this will change the next year, when I will become a junior in Germany. In 11th and 12th grade there are a lot of big tests and at the end of school there's an exam, which is called 'Abitur'. If you pass, you can study at universities, if not your either repeat it or you just do an apprenticeship.
Back to Josephine's post, I sometimes want to sleep in my first period, too. It's so boring and I'm so tired. But after this class, my schedule is quite good.
This quote is from Leonie. Wow schools in Germany are so awesome. The hours are so short too. I wish we have that here in America. We sometime couldn’t even finish all the homework in one night, can’t believe you guys only need an hour to do homework and study for test. You guys must have a lot of free times to do some fun stuff other than school works. I wish I could sleep in first period. I hate having English first period because to me I think English is more important than other classes and it is the only class I actually learn and enjoy it.