Friday, September 9, 2011

*RE* Responce to Shirley's post.

While browsing through Google reader today, I came across to Shirley’s blog and found something I can relate to.
They like to stay the same and do not want any change because they are afraid of changes.
Well I guess I’m the type of person you’re talking about here. I hate changing. Especially changing something I once enjoyed. The fact that, we all going to grow older and mature and have different perspective on things makes me never want to grow up. It is good to change once in a while but sometime it’s just too much when everything is changing at the same time and same speed. 
I guess I can say I’m afraid of changing. I’m afraid of changing to a different person. It might be a better me or a worst one. Just the fact that I’m not going to be the same anymore scares me. I always worried what if my friends or other people around me wouldn’t accept my changes. I know we’re all going to change a lot in our life time but I guess I’m not ready for it yet.
2011 have been a rough year. Everything seems to be changing. Some changes are for the good and some are for the bad. Even though things are changing but some emotion stays with us for a pretty long time. I wish things can stay the same but emotions are the ones changing.

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