Wednesday, August 31, 2011

*FREE * Not feeling it .

Transferring from a school full of friends to a new school is harder than I thought. I have been with some of these friends since I was in 2nd grade. It was easier to make friends when you’re in elementary school than in high school. Making friends in high school is just too hard for me. Especially for people like me, the “shy type” is nearly impossible. Well I’m not really that shy, just to people I don’t know.
I have been feeling like a loner in Alameda high which made me really miss my old school. My friends been telling me to make new friends and things will get better. It’s easy said than done. This is my 3rd day in Alameda High; I have been walking around alone wondering when I will make some friends. It doesn’t need to be best friends; I just want to be able to have someone to talk to. Everyone here got their own group of friends or knowing someone here. I guess it was a bad idea for me to transfer during my sophomore year. It would be easier if I transfer during freshmen year.
I wonder if my dad would let me transfer back to Oakland high. They may have a better environment here and I may learn better here, but I don’t feel like I belong here. At least in Oakland high, I look forward to see my friends in school every day. Right now I’m not even motivated to go to school. I Know I shouldn’t be going to school for other but for myself. It’s just hard when you’re in a school doing everything alone. It’s only the 3rd day and I hate it.


  1. "Transferring from a school full of friends to a new school is harder than I thought."
    I really agree about what you are saying. I personally feel left out too because this is my first year at an Alameda School. I really miss the old friend that I have back at my old school. I sometimes tell myself that it is okay to be left out of something. Being left out of something can help you gain something that is more useful to you in the future.
    Me being at Alameda High this year is very tough. This is my second week and I said to myself that I would tackle it and I actually did. For me being a very quiet and shy person, I uncomfortable in front of the people that I do not know well yet. I really agree to what you said about transferring during freshman year. Being a sophomore puts a lot of pressure on me because I am not used to anything yet. I think you and I would do fine during the year and onwards. Always praise yourself and try hard to overcome your obstacles. I see that we have a lot in common so we can help each other out.

  2. what do you mean by left out? i know how you feel about being shy and quiet.
