Tuesday, September 13, 2011

*RE* My goals in life.

This is a responds post to Kevin Jang on things he wanted to do before he dies.

First and foremost, I WILL make sure my parents live a lavish lifestyle, they have honestly worked hard to give me a good life and nothing I do can ever repay them back..... But I can try!
I want a nice sized house, a nice car, a beautiful wife, and beautiful children.
I want a job that I actually enjoy doing and not a job where I wake up in the morning and say "UGHH, work again!”

I totally agree with you on this. Both of my parents worked so hard for me and my sister to have a good life. My dad’s the only one who works in the family. My mom took care of my sister and all the house works. She’s now going to school and looking for a job because she would like to help my dad out. They never asked me to do any chores. I felt really bad thinking about it. I don’t think I can ever repay them back.
Here are things I would want to do before I die.
·         Buy a big house and save enough money for my parent, so they won’t need to work anymore.
·         Save enough money for my sister to go to college, so my parent won’t have to worry about her as much as they worry about me.
Those are my 2 main reason and motivation to go to school and try to get into a good college.  Some stuff I would like to do is, get married to him, have kids with him, and spend the rest of my time with him.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, you checked out Kevin's blog. How is it? Lol.
    But yeah, I totally feel your goals. Because I definitely want to do most of the same things. I'm really looking forward to the marrying part. Haha. Keep it up!
