Wednesday, September 21, 2011

*BC* The darkness inside of me.

It was around 1:30am when a crying noise woke me up. I tried to open my sleepy eyes. But I couldn’t see anything. I try to reach my hand out and I felt nothing but soft, chilling air. I tried to get up but couldn’t. It felt like there’s something sitting on my legs. I tried to kick, but that didn’t help. I tried to scream but no sounds were coming out of my mouth. All of a sudden I heard the crying sound that woke me up getting closer to me. I started to shove my legs. I could finally felt the freedom of my legs. I got up and took careful steps toward the sound I heard earlier.

I kept walking forward without knowing where I’m actually going. I bumped into a hard wall. The wall felt cold and wet. I could feel the burn in my brain. It hurt so bad I screamed. I heard the crying noise again… It was from downstairs. I couldn’t see anything, so there’s no way I can find my way to the stair case. I tried to keep my hand on the wall while walking. I kept going till I felt the door knob. I open the door and walk toward to stair case. I walk down the stair to the living room.

It was dark and cold. I sat on the floor thinking if the light would ever be on. So I decide to find the light switch. I got back up and walk. I bumped into the wall. This wall is not wet but it’s colder than the one up stair. That’s when I realized there was a switch on the wall. I follow the wall and found the switch. Great! Not working… all of a sudden, I heard some1 calling my name. Mei… Mei… Mei… this scared the shit out of me. I started to panic. The voice is getting closer and closer. I started to run. I ran and ran till I can’t run any more. I felt the wetness on my feet. I kneel down and touch the floor with my hand. It was liquid. What could it be? It doesn’t feel like water. It smelled like blood. I got scare… I got up and saw a bit of light from the moon. I walk toward the moon light. I stopped. I see someone in front of me. It’s a girl. She’s the same height as me, with long hairs. She’s not moving and I’m just wondering to myself, should I fight or run. Could she be the one who’s crying? Could she be the one who kept calling my name? While I’m having these thoughts in my head, she moved. She’s getting something… what could it be? A knife? A gun? It’s walking towards me. I moved a bit and bumped into the wall and the light switched. I quickly tried it. When the darkness filled with lights, I saw myself in the mirror.

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