Tuesday, September 20, 2011

*FREE* My Summer

I know it is a bit late to talk about summer since it passed already, but I can’t think of anything to talk about. I wasted a whole month at home wondering what I should be doing this summer. Before summer started I apply for a job, but didn’t get any calls from them. I wasn’t expecting any jobs during the summer. After a whole month at home doing nothing, they called me.
I got a job at the Oakland City Hall in accounting department. I was helping everyone with things they DON’T want to do but HAVE to get them finished. It was fun the first few days. After a week or two, it got boring. I’m basically doing the same thing over and over again. The good thing I like about that place is I have a lot of free times. One of my friend works at City Hall with me. So we have lunch together every day. I get pay for this job and it looks good on my resume.
I was supposed to work 120 hours, but I didn’t get to finish them. I had like 35 more hours left.  I worked there for 3 years, well summer. This year was great!  I’m looking forward to work there next year. Not only my supervisor, but every employee there are so nice and helpful. I had a really great time working with everyone.

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