Friday, September 9, 2011

*CE* Thousands of home destroyed...

On an average, there are about 1.2 million acres of woodland in the United States burned every year due to wildfire. There’s positive effects and negative effect of wildfires. The good things about wildfire are that many plants depend on them to germinate and grow. The bad thing they cause air pollution. The smokes from wildfires are mixture of gases and other bad stuff, they are harmful to health.

A devastating wildfire outbreak in Texas has burned down more than 1,000 homes and stretched firefighters to the limit, confronting Rick Perry, the US state's governor, with a disaster at home just as the Republican presidential contest heats up.

"Pretty powerful visuals of individuals who lost everything,'' he said after the tour.”The magnitudes of these losses are pretty stunning."
 “Well it’s scary… you know… You can’t go to sleep and if you do go you wake up in the middle of the night…thinking about it… not knowing” said, Robert Saunders

The breakout of wild fires was the worst in taxes history. It has burned more than 1,000 homes. Some of them only have minutes to run for their life.

I think wildfires are not only harms to our health but to those who are affected. It can change from just a wildfire to something that someone’s going to remember a life time. Wildfires can lead to many problems. Imagine how many people are going to lose their houses and neighborhoods that they grow up in. Kids won’t have school for many months. Most people probably only bought their clothes with them. Even after they stop the wildfires, what are those thousands of people going to do? Will they have a home to return to?

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