Friday, September 30, 2011

*Essay* Humans...

Humans are the smartest species in the world. Over a long period of time, humans adapted to a changing world. They evolved in many characteristics that help defines us today. These characteristics did not emerge all at once. They evolved over the past 6 million years of the human history. Although there are plenty of characteristics for humans, I think emotions and feelings are the definitive characteristic of a human being.

         We are probably one of the hardest species to deal with; emotion wise. Here’s quote from Dale Carnegie, when dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion. Almost all creatures have some sort of feelings and emotions. Human emotions are the most complicated one. We tend to hide our feelings a lot. It starts off with something small, when there is more and more of those small things it will turn into a big thing. Some people are good at hiding their emotions. I can’t say I’m good at it, but I do it a lot. It is like your dying inside but you’re smiling and acting like everything is perfect. When one of your friends asked you, “what’s wrong?” you wanted to say everything, but you didn’t but said nothing. It is not a good feeling. I think it’s more like a trust issue. There are cases where people who don’t know what their feelings are. It is like a mixture of a lot of emotions together. Showing your feeling is not always a good thing. When you show you feeling to your crush, it’s not always a good thing. Especially if you guys are good friend, she might not feel comfortable around you anymore then the friendship breaks. Another example is when you angry, you want to show it to everyone. If they are not the reason why you’re angry, you shouldn’t be letting it out on others. To me one of the strongest emotions of all time is love. There actually no real meaning of love, until you found that special someone to give meaning to it. Love gives hopes to humans and encourages them to do better for their partner. Love can also drive people crazy because once the love breaks it remains with you for a life time. It is one of the sweetest and most painful emotions. Emotional pain hurts more than physical pain because physical pain doesn’t hurt forever but emotional pain can stay with you for a life time.

Our emotions affect our everyday life. When we wake up in the morning feeling happy, everything will seem to a bit better than waking up feeling grumpy. When we in a good mood, we can affect people around us. When at work or school we will do better and focus more when we are in a good mood. On the other hand, when we are in a bad mood, we get all grumpy and pissed off. It will not affect yourself, but people around you. Other peoples might change their views of you because of your action, but it’s hard to control your emotions sometime. We will waste the time on thinking about the stuff that makes us feel that way.

Our emotion also affects our action. Even though emotions are just what we feel but it can lead to physical contact. When someone said something bad about you, you get up and punch that person. There weren’t any physical contact when that person said bad stuff about you. What that person said, caused you to have that uncomfortable feelings inside, that you just want to release it. Here’s a similar example from Dr Chio Ugochukw. He said “If we feel an injustice has been done to us, our emotion of anger rises up. Our first thought is to strike back. This is a one dimensional response which might not always be effective in this day and age.” Our thought is what makes the action happen.

Human’s feeling and emotions change very fast. We feel happy when something good happened or when we are having fun. Here is a little poem from By Natalie
Feelings go up and feelings go down
There are feelings inside us all spinning around.
Sometimes they're good and sometimes they're bad
But feelings are something that everyone has.
Being shut out and feeling unsafe are feelings that
I think that
Our feeling seem to be changing more often then you even notice it. When things are going good we think positive and we are just in a good mood. When things turned bad, our emotion changes in less than a minute. When someone said or do something we don’t like we take it inside and repeat it in our head. These kinds of feelings don’t stay with us forever. It goes away but it comes back when we think about it. Here is another example from a site I was looking at.
For years it was believed that if you could inspire people to change their attitudes and beliefs, behavior would change. However, we now know that attempts to change people's behavior by changing attitudes or beliefs are usually unsuccessful.
Well, in my own opinion I think when you get inspired by someone your attitude will change. Not only your attitude but the way you look at things and your view towards it. I was inspired by this person’s page on tumblr called “StayPositive” he post a lot of quotes about life and relationship. It inspired me a lot and especially when I’m in a bad mood. His quote changed my mood. It might not work on everyone but it certainly worked on me.

In conclusion, emotions are what makes us human unique and different from other species. Our emotions are complicated and hard to understand. Every emotion affects us and our days. It also affects our actions. Emotion changes so fast that you might not even notice it.”The only questions worth asking today are whether humans are going to have any emotions tomorrow, and what the quality of life will be if the answer is no.”said Bangs Lester. What does being a human mean to you?

Friday, September 23, 2011

*CE* Plastic bottle classrooms

People in Philippines have developed a way to build bigger school classroom using less money. Comparing to the materials that is need it to build a normal school classroom, this way uses less money and materials. It is also helping the environment too. They use recycle plastic and glass bottles in the northern Philippine province of Laguna. The Philippines produces enough to build a classroom in two weeks. This mitigates the weather changing a growing climate change problem. These class rooms are strong enough to stand strong winds. They have a large solar bulb made out of steel drums to reflect the light form the sun to light up the room.

I think this idea of building classrooms in poor places is really good. All kids should have a chance to get educated. With the recycle plastic bottles as the main materials for building the school, save a lot of money. These bottles can be found anywhere. Best of all it helps save a lot of trees and help to deal with the plastic bottles. In poor places like the Philippines it saves them half of the money to build normal classrooms. It is doubles the size of the normal classrooms too. They can use the half from what they save to build another one.

One thing I’m pretty concern about is what if it’s going to stand in an earthquake? Is it going to stand strong or is it just going to destroy the whole thing?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

*BC* The darkness inside of me.

It was around 1:30am when a crying noise woke me up. I tried to open my sleepy eyes. But I couldn’t see anything. I try to reach my hand out and I felt nothing but soft, chilling air. I tried to get up but couldn’t. It felt like there’s something sitting on my legs. I tried to kick, but that didn’t help. I tried to scream but no sounds were coming out of my mouth. All of a sudden I heard the crying sound that woke me up getting closer to me. I started to shove my legs. I could finally felt the freedom of my legs. I got up and took careful steps toward the sound I heard earlier.

I kept walking forward without knowing where I’m actually going. I bumped into a hard wall. The wall felt cold and wet. I could feel the burn in my brain. It hurt so bad I screamed. I heard the crying noise again… It was from downstairs. I couldn’t see anything, so there’s no way I can find my way to the stair case. I tried to keep my hand on the wall while walking. I kept going till I felt the door knob. I open the door and walk toward to stair case. I walk down the stair to the living room.

It was dark and cold. I sat on the floor thinking if the light would ever be on. So I decide to find the light switch. I got back up and walk. I bumped into the wall. This wall is not wet but it’s colder than the one up stair. That’s when I realized there was a switch on the wall. I follow the wall and found the switch. Great! Not working… all of a sudden, I heard some1 calling my name. Mei… Mei… Mei… this scared the shit out of me. I started to panic. The voice is getting closer and closer. I started to run. I ran and ran till I can’t run any more. I felt the wetness on my feet. I kneel down and touch the floor with my hand. It was liquid. What could it be? It doesn’t feel like water. It smelled like blood. I got scare… I got up and saw a bit of light from the moon. I walk toward the moon light. I stopped. I see someone in front of me. It’s a girl. She’s the same height as me, with long hairs. She’s not moving and I’m just wondering to myself, should I fight or run. Could she be the one who’s crying? Could she be the one who kept calling my name? While I’m having these thoughts in my head, she moved. She’s getting something… what could it be? A knife? A gun? It’s walking towards me. I moved a bit and bumped into the wall and the light switched. I quickly tried it. When the darkness filled with lights, I saw myself in the mirror.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

*FREE* My Summer

I know it is a bit late to talk about summer since it passed already, but I can’t think of anything to talk about. I wasted a whole month at home wondering what I should be doing this summer. Before summer started I apply for a job, but didn’t get any calls from them. I wasn’t expecting any jobs during the summer. After a whole month at home doing nothing, they called me.
I got a job at the Oakland City Hall in accounting department. I was helping everyone with things they DON’T want to do but HAVE to get them finished. It was fun the first few days. After a week or two, it got boring. I’m basically doing the same thing over and over again. The good thing I like about that place is I have a lot of free times. One of my friend works at City Hall with me. So we have lunch together every day. I get pay for this job and it looks good on my resume.
I was supposed to work 120 hours, but I didn’t get to finish them. I had like 35 more hours left.  I worked there for 3 years, well summer. This year was great!  I’m looking forward to work there next year. Not only my supervisor, but every employee there are so nice and helpful. I had a really great time working with everyone.