Wednesday, August 31, 2011

*FREE * Not feeling it .

Transferring from a school full of friends to a new school is harder than I thought. I have been with some of these friends since I was in 2nd grade. It was easier to make friends when you’re in elementary school than in high school. Making friends in high school is just too hard for me. Especially for people like me, the “shy type” is nearly impossible. Well I’m not really that shy, just to people I don’t know.
I have been feeling like a loner in Alameda high which made me really miss my old school. My friends been telling me to make new friends and things will get better. It’s easy said than done. This is my 3rd day in Alameda High; I have been walking around alone wondering when I will make some friends. It doesn’t need to be best friends; I just want to be able to have someone to talk to. Everyone here got their own group of friends or knowing someone here. I guess it was a bad idea for me to transfer during my sophomore year. It would be easier if I transfer during freshmen year.
I wonder if my dad would let me transfer back to Oakland high. They may have a better environment here and I may learn better here, but I don’t feel like I belong here. At least in Oakland high, I look forward to see my friends in school every day. Right now I’m not even motivated to go to school. I Know I shouldn’t be going to school for other but for myself. It’s just hard when you’re in a school doing everything alone. It’s only the 3rd day and I hate it.

*BC* Just me.

Hi there, my name is Mei. I was born in China. I came to America in the year of 2003. It was pretty hard for me to learn a new language after 8 years of speaking Chinese and English was my 4th language. It took me a year or two to learn how to speak English and understanding it.
I went to school in Oakland. I was in 2nd grade when I first started school. I was doing okay until I got to high school; I got distracted by people and things around me. I started turning in late homework and going to school late. After a few weeks it became a habit. I started to cut classes that I didn’t like and not doing any homework. When my grades and GPAs started to drop till a point where I felt like giving up. That time, I didn’t think I would make it pass high school. My friends told me it’s alright; it’s only my freshmen year. It’s not about what grades I’m in, it’s that I’m not motivated anymore, i felt hopeless and depressed. I skipped school for one and a half months. When I got back, I talked to my counselor about dropping out of high school. My English teacher had a talk with me after I told her about what happened. She asked me, what I am going to do after I drop out of high school. She told me it’s not too late yet. She gave me hopes and helped me a lot. She even helped me to catch up my grades in her class. She told me to go to all my teachers and talk to them about my grades and ask them if I can do anything to at least get a passing grade. I did what she told me to, I made up my grades in geometry class, which I’m failing pretty hard. I talked to my Cantonese teacher and he told me since I’m willing to try again he’s willing to give me extra credit work and that helped my grade a lot. Of course life never goes with the plans. Unfortunately there were 2 classes that I wasn’t able to make up for. It was P.E and Earth Science. Those brought my GPAs down by a lot. I transfer to Alameda High during my sophomore year because my grades were dropping during the 2nd semester of my freshmen year in Oakland high.
 I took swimming class in Oakland high during my 2nd semester. I was told by my friends that it was fun and we don’t run much. I was afraid to get near the pool at first but eventually I was comfortable enough to get in the pool. I learned how to float and blow bubbles in the water during the first two days. It took me a month to actually learn how to swim across the pool. Swimming became one of my hobbies. In my spare time I like to spend time on the computer. I usually check Facebook, forums and Tumblr. Tumblr’s my favorite one out of them three.
         Writing is never my thing. I might be having a lot in mind, but I just can’t seem to put them in words. My writing goal this year is to work on my run on sentences and grammar. My long term writing goal is to make my writing interesting for my reader and myself.